Connects all
public-private agents
in the biocircularity sector
Spanish Biocircular Hub is the backbone of the national
biocircularity sector, connecting all the public-private agents that form part thereof and making their capacities, products, services, installations and industries visible.
Created by BIOPLAT and BIOCIRC, it is the main space dedicated to the biocircular economy sector in Spain.
All types of companies, installations, technology centres, public administrations, universities and public research organisations that operate in the field of biocircularity go to make up Spanish Biocircular Hub.
What does Spanish Biocircular Hub offer?
All entities that offer services and products, that research and innovate, as well as those that legislate and provide training in the field of the biocircular economy, can register in Spanish Biocircular Hub using the following registration form.
Biocircular Mapp
Any interested party, whether or not they are registered in Biocircular Spain, can access the search engine for all previously registered entities. Spanish Biocircular Hub promotes the visibility of the Spanish biocircularity sector and the detailed localisation.
Meeting point of the Spanish biocircular economy sector at which, every year, the sector is analysed and networking is encouraged in an environment in which collaboration between public and private agents is encouraged, in addition to commercial relations.
Analysis of the Spanish biocircularity sector in which the socioeconomic and environmental impacts induced by the biocircularity sector in Spain are studied, in order to highlight the value contributed to our society as a whole.
Annual Training
On-site and online training courses are regularly given on all biocircularity value chains
Social and environmental action
Alliances and philanthropic initiatives are promoted in order to generate positive impacts on the environment and society as a whole.
How to be part of Spanish Biocircular Hub?
The only requirement is to register the entity with BIOCIRC (Spanish Biocircularity Association) and/or BIOPLAT (Spanish Technological and Innovation Platform ‘Biomass for the Bioeconomy’), depending on whether:
Biocircular Mapp
Biocircular MApp is the largest visual database of entities in the biocircular economy area.
Any entity can be part of MApp and it is also publicly accessible and any anonymous user can use it to carry out searches for entities in the biocircular economy area and find the public-private agents that go to make up the national biocircularity sector.
Once the entity has been registered, it will be locatable by any user and will appear in MApp.

For more information about BIOCIRC and/or BIOPLAT, you can contact us through this form.